
We are required to watch an incredible number of related videos on our own time. This list is to make it easier for myself and fellow students to figure out which videos are and are not optional, what their call numbers are at the Fondren Library reserve desk, and if possible where to find them online for viewing.

Week 1 (19 Jan - Introduction to Human Rights: The Problem Defined)

In Class:
Right Human Relations: Israel and the O.T.

Week 2 (26 Jan - Political Philosophy of Western Thought Part I)
Pick 1:
[post] Closet Land [IDD 04005] [IVS 03000]
Down Came a Blackbird [IVS 08000] 

Pick 1:
[post] Dishonored [IDD 05486]
[post] Behind the Veil: Afghan Women Under Fundamentalism [IDD 05754] [IVS 07714]
Shroud of Silence: Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan [IVS 07702]
[my post] Born Into Brothels [IDD 01815] [view a preview for this film] 

Pick 1:
The Road to Guantanamo [IDD 02980]
Ghosts of Abu Gharib [IDD 04011]
Torturing Democracy [IDD 04961]
Standing Operating Procedure [IMDB info] 

Must watch:
[post] Why We Fight [Watch Here]

Week 3 (2 Feb - Political Philosophy Part II & Landmark Documents…)

Pick 1:
[post] Romero [IDD 02028] [IVS 01467]
Justice and the Generals [IVS 08168]

Pick 1:
Missing [IDD 03415]
[post] In the Name of the Father [IVS 03752] [IDD 03993]

Week 4 (9 Feb - Human Rights Violations: The American Experience of Slavery)

Must watch:
[post] Birth of a Nation [IDD 05696] [IVS 00646-0064]

Week 5 (16 Feb - Slavery 1830-1877 Part II; Segregation, Civil Rights Movement and the present)

Pick 1:
Rosewood [IDD 03975] [IVS 05296]
Two Towns of Jasper [IDD 05713] [IVS 08150]

Pick 1:
American History X [IDD 00967]
Do The Right Thing [IDD 05900] [IVS 01617]

Pick 1:
Strange Fruit [IVS 08173]
The Murder of Emmett Till [IVS 08174]

Week 6 (23 Feb - The American Experience Continued: Native American)

Pick 1:
In the Light of Reverence: Protecting America's Sacred Lands [IVS 07687]
Rabbit-Proof Fence [IDD 00908]

Pick 1:
In the White Man's Image [IVS 02604]
[post] We Shall Remain: American Through Native Eyes - #5 Wounded Knee [DD 05023]

In Class:
[post] In Whose Honor? American Indian Mascots in Sports [IDD 05656] [IVS 08447]

Week 7 (2 Mar - The Holocaust Part I)

Must watch:
[post] World at War: Vol 1/26 "A New Germany" [IVS 01188]

In class:
[post] World at War: Vol 20/26 "Genocide" [IVS 01207]

Week 8 (9 Mar - The Holocaust Part II)

Pick 2:
[post] Gray Matter
The Grey Zone
America and the Holocaust
The Pianist
[post ]Schindler's List
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Specialist: Portrait of a Modern Criminal
[post] Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)

Pick 1:
Triumph of the Will
Night and Fog
Warsaw Ghetto
The Eternal Jew
The Lodz Ghetto
Nazi Designers of Death
Nazi Medicine: In The Shadow of the Reich
Selling Murder: The Killing Films of the 3rd Reich
Paragraph 175

Highly Recommended:
War of the Century (Vols 1&2 of 4 esp.)

Week 9 (23 Mar - The Holocaust Part III)

Pick 1:
Memory of the Camps
Nuremberg: Tyranny on Trial
Heroes of the Holocaust
Diplomats for the Damned

Pick 1:
The Bataan Death March
City of Life and Death

Pick 1:
Japanese Devils
White Light/Black Rain

Must watch:
The Bombing of Germany

In Class:
Slave Labor
Frontline - Remember My Lai

Week 10 (30 Mar - The Holocaust Part IV)

Pick 1:
The Killing Fields
Rain Falls From Earth: Surviving Cambodia's Darkest Hour
Vietnam Requiem
Winter Soldier

In Class:
Great Decisions
Cambodia: Year 10

Week 11 (6 Apr - The Death Penalty: Global)

Required before class:
The Stoning of Soraya M.
Honorable Murder

In Class:
The Next Step

Week 12 (13 Apr - The Death Penalty: The Untied States Part 1)

Pick 1:
12 Angry Men
Thin Blue Line
Let Him Have It
I Want To Live
The Exonerated
At The Death House Door

Pick 2:
The Ox-Bow Incident
In Cold Blood
The Executioner’s Song
Dead Man Walking
The Execution Protocol
14 Days in May
Sacco and Vanzetti

Pick 1:
The Chair
Mr. Death

Pick 1:
Frontline: The Execution

In Class:
Rethinking the Death Penalty (ABC News Nightline)
Double Justice: Race & Capital Punishment

Week 13 (20 Apr - The Death Penalty: The United States Part 2)

Pick 1:
Frontline: The Case for Innocence
Frontline: Requiem for Frank lee Smith
A Death In The Family

Pick 1:
El Norte
Rites: Scarred for Life
ABC News

Must Watch:
A Child's Century of War

Week 14 (27 Apr - Refugees, World Refugee Survey, Human Rights Worldwide: Watchwords [Torture, Hate Crimes, Crimes of/against Gender])

Pick 1:
Yellow Wasps: Anatomy of a War Crime
Fernando is Back: Calling the Ghosts

Pick 1:
Investigative Reports: Anti-Gay Crimes
The Times of Harvey Milk
The Laramie Project
Before Stonewall
After Stonewall

Pick 1:
Good Kurds, Bad Kurds
The Trials of Henry Kissinger
Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy

Pick 1:
The Devil Came on Horseback
Darfur Diaries
Sand and Sorrow

Pick 1:
The Ghosts of Rwanda
Hotel Rwanda

Pick 1:
The Long Road Toward Reconciliation
The Pionochet Case


In Class:
Sentenced To Die: Capital Punishment and the 8th Amendment
Who Gets In?

School of Assassins” Bosnia, Sri Lanka, Rwanda, Turkey